I've been losing track of time lately do to the amount of work I've had to do at school and at my job. But this will catch me up a bit.
Last month was nothing exciting in the net worth area. It went up, but I know it's not going to stay that way. Most of the money in savings is for tuition, and since my wife and I decided that we need to live a bit more, some of that will be used for traveling as well. So, by June, our net worth will plummet, but it is expected and not that big of a deal. Hopefully my wife will start hearing about interviews soon and then we will be better able to cope with the ups and downs and actually grow our net worth. So overall, our net worth increased by 19.53%, or by a less exciting number, $809. Some of that had to do with extra money into my retirement from my company for profit sharing.
In the more interesting arena, the losses from last months crazy stock swings have evened out a bit. I'm still not as high as I once was, but my stocks are doing decent at the moment. Only two are in the negatives, and not by much. The two ETFs are up about 5% (as of today), and two other stocks are up over 9% and 38%. Not too shabby. The amount of money I've made is still down a little bit, although I'm not sure how this is true, but the numbers are correct so who knows. Overall my experiment numbers look like this:

Hopefully next month will see some good increases in the experiment.
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